Our Mission:
"To pledge our lives to Christ and to covenant with each other. To demonstrate as disciples His spirit through worship, witness, and ministry to the needs of the people of His church and our community. We invite and welcome all to be included within our fellowship."
Vision for Mission
Show Compassion: Because we have been given so much, we share what we have with those in need, encouraging those who receive to do the same. We don’t ask people to pay it back, but to pay it forward.
Stop to Listen: We connect with others by spending time with them, listening uncritically to as much of their story as they are ready to share, and sharing as much of God’s story as they are ready to receive.
Seek Beauty: Seeing God’s image in ourselves sets us free from the tyranny of being defined in comparison to others; seeing God’s image in others sets us free to see their inherent worth.
Affirm Grace: By opening our lives to God’s grace, we find hope and healing for ourselves, and are able to extend hope and healing to others.
Mission Focused Giving
“He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.” Deuteronomy 10:18-19
Monthly Mission Offering
Each month, we as a church community give into a humanitarian focused mission organization. Stay connected to our monthly focus by following our social media pages, or signing up for our Newsletter. You can also give into our designated fund for monthly missions in person or online. (*online giving coming soon!)
Refugee Family Outreach
We are committed to seeing the needs of those experiencing displacement and need in our community - and making a difference. We do this through personally ministering to families through our Refugee Family Outreach. To learn more, give into the fund, or get involved, reach out to Pastor Sanchita.